Thank you for your interest in 2nd Chance Games. I am a single developer with an interest in creating video games. I work full time as a Senior Systems Engineer. Video game creation is a hobby and dream of mine.
What drives me to do this on the side?? ANIMALS!! A portion of all my profits are donated towards what I believe are great animal causes.
I am always open to the idea if anyone would like to work on projects with me so if you like my work, ideas, etc. please reach out to me. I don't think most people understand the effort it takes to roll out a video game by yourself.
My projects are created using the Unity 3D platform with a focus on 2D games.
*Privacy Policy Notice - My games save directly to your devices. I only require that I can store/retrieve game saves from your default application file path location. Nothing else!
Please visit the graphic artists I support. I love their work and they continue to provide fresh content!
I am mostly self taught but here are some fantastic YouTube channels that helped me learn Unity.
** If you are a graphic artist and I did not credit you in my games appropriately, please reach out to me and I'll get it updated accordingly. Please know that, if I am purchasing your artwork I love your style and am trying to support you. I only list my main artists on this page but do credit all artists (1-offs etc.) in my various games. I try to pay attention to all the different licensing vs. the assets I am using.
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